Welcome to the new year! Along with the rest of NYC coming back to life for the fall season, the cohort is beginning it's new year.
The Big Change - Meeting on Tuesdays now!
(the second Tuesday of the month)
This Tuesday, Sept. 11th at 6:30pm
Origins Church Office
581 9th Ave #3B (corner of 42nd and 9th Ave.)
above the papaya dog.
Enter next to the hotdog place on 9th ave.
look for the ORIGINS poster in the door and buzz number
We had a great time in late August with Tony Jones and we look forward to your input on new discussion topics or books to read or things to do together for the fall.
We took a poll, we had two discussions and we voted to change to the second Tuesday of the month - sorry to those who can't make it that night, but we're excited about some who couldn't make it this whole last year that will be able to now.
Why don't you bring some food on Tuesday, Sept. 11th to the first gathering and some drinks and maybe one go-getter will even bring ice!
If you've been thinking of coming, but haven't gotten around to it, or if you came once and have been wondering if it's something you should do once a month, let me give you a small inspiration...
...The cohort is about friendship.
It's not often that we have a chance to gather with such likeminded people, who've all experienced the joys and agonies of Christian leadership and who have incredible hopes for the future and enjoy talking about them with passion and intelligence.
Our world is in the throes of incredible change - the church is poised to undergo a major reformation that will enable her to be an instrument in God's hand to fulfill his plans to love the people of the earth in the yet understood future.
We need to be with one another to hear one another, and the Lord within one another to be able to respond to his leading in days where "the norm" is out the window.
Come and be together in an environment of people listening to the new wind God is allowing to mysteriously move amongst us.....