Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Cohort Expanding

If the cohort were pants, and the people were a belly - then it would be time to dig a new hole through the leather belt and loosen it up a bit.

Wow, what a great gathering last night. Everyone was so excited to see one another, we had new people who were welcomed lovingly and afterwards expressed gratefulness for the life they received from being around likeminded folks.

Elise Brown gave us the low down...on her new Thursday night gathering, which many of us will be attending on Sept. 14th at 7:30pm at Advent Lutheran, corner of 93rd & Broadway.

Transmission is growing in the hearts of Bowie and Isaac, and all of us.

I got a wonderful email today from Sean Callaghan in South Africa, who is moving out here hopefully by the summer to plant in Tribeca - he follows the Cohort blog here and can't wait to come and be amongst us, and we can't wait to be there to aid in their families transition into the city. They will be a great addition to our growing community.

Sunday afternoon some churches are going to Central Park for the Save Darfur Rally and the Doctors Without Borders Refugee Camp - a big day here for Social Justice.

Diana Butler Bass will be speaking about her new book on signs of life in mainline churches at St. Bart's tonight at 7:30pm, Center for Religious Inquiry. Free. Her new book is called "Christianity For the Rest Of Us" - about new signs of life in mainline congregations (She's on the Board of Directors of Emergent Village) [update: me and Becky went, very insightful new book]

Please send in links to your blogs and church websites and we will post them permanently on the sidebar here.

Next Month: A special treat as cohort member David Ramos founder of the Latino Leadership Circle (LLC) comes and guides our dialog. Probably a number of LLC'ers will come with. Can't wait!

1 comment:

The Cohort Team said...

Hey, my church Communion of the Arts (Cota) is going to be leaving from the Lamb's Theater on 44th St. (between 6th & 7th Ave.) at 1:15pm Sunday to go to Central Park for the events (our gathering starts at 11am). We'll be entering the Park at 86th and CPW.