Here is a book list that we have compiled to further help us explore - please send in more if you have them - we present this without editorial comment and recognize that it represents a broad number of views which represent our breadth of community. We are gathering for friendship, and learning from one another is a good part of that:
Embodiment- An Approach to Sexuality and Christian Theology, by James Nelson
Gay Theology Without Apology by Comstock
Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality, by John Boswell
Touching Our Strength by Carter Heyward
Between Two Gardens : Reflections on Sexuality and Religious Experience, by James Nelson
Beyond Gay by David Morrison
Freedom, Glorious Freedom- The Spiritual Journey to the Fullness of Life for Gays and Lesbians, by Jjohn J. McNeill
Setting Love in Order: Hope and Healing for the Homosexual by Mario Bergner
Stranger at the Gate: To be Gay and Christian in America , by Mel White
Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis by William J. Webb