Monday, December 10, 2007

No Cohort in December - Help us Rethink & Renew


We are canceling the December cohort.

We feel the cohort has reached the end of it's first wave or you might say, first era...we'd love your help in imagining where it will go next...

When the cohort started, emergent ideas were still incubating in NYC and soon many of them were born into real life...many of the people who became friends through the cohort are now super busy running what they've started...but now many more new things, and new leaders are emerging - note the NYC Faith & Justice group announcement below.

But still, if you are like me, you spend a lot of time explaining to new people just what this emerging church thing is, and so we are still in the early days of the emerging church and there is much room for many more expressions and new ideas - and thus a place where people can come together to talk about them and urge one another forward.

Please comment below with your thoughts or ideas about the future of the cohort, what you would like to see, what you would be willing to do, or contact Jeff and Bowie by email.

We'll be seeing you in some way in 2008!

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