Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Awesome Second Meeting

Wow, what a great time we had last night at our second NYC Cohort gathering. Everyone was really into it and the conversation was awesome (can you tell I'm from California).

David Ramos characterized it well on his LLC blog, "About ten of us gathered at Origins where we discussed the lost art of listening as well as how the Emergent dialogue has created spaces of discussion that transcend denomination, ethnicity, and other categories. Over crackers and cheese [and beer] we talked about the uniqueness and fecundity of having mainline, Catholic, and evangelical traditions all in one room. We weaved in and out of varying personal and ecclesial observations."

Jon Tyson, our gracious host summed up what I felt when he said afterwards, "this was life giving to me".

We agreed to meet starting in September on the second Tuesday of each month, which is Sept. 12th at 6:30 at the same place, Origins church office - a very cozy space filled with couches.

We are also going to have more members of the cohort post here on the blog and hopefully we can continue the dialog throughout the month, and I think this will also give us a good idea of what kind of topics to have each month as we see what people are wanting to talk about.

The best part for me, and what the real point of it is, are the friendships that are developing. I see a wonderful unity going forward that will bring joy to our Father as he sees his children living and playing and working together as they be his presence here on earth.

Okay cohort members, start posting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting up the pictures. It's great to see the people behind the names.

See you in September.

Stay cool.