Sunday, July 02, 2006

First Meeting!

We had a great first meeting, where we grappled to understand what this whole emerging church thing is all about.

Here's a few definitions:

Emerging Church (EC) - a large amorphous group of Christian leaders talking about the future of the church together, often interested in how postmodernity is changing things, and why the post-Christian generation has stayed away...with the hopes of being the church in our day in new ways.

Emergent Village (EV) - the specific organization started by Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones and Brian McLaren amongst others in order to help facilitate the above conversation. When outsiders report on the EC they often go to these guys who are generally considered amongst the leading voices. EV is starting Cohorts like ours all around the country to help people build friendships and carry on the conversation.

We had a great time at O'Lunneys, but it was too loud there so next month we're looking for a new space - I will post it here as soon as confirmed.

If you would like to be on the list, please email me or just comment below and I will get it.

Soon I'll send an email to the list and post here, the topic of next month's conversation. Please comment below on what you think the emerging church is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi ya'll -

I like this blog post about what the emerging church is - based on a talk given by Eddie Gibbs in South Africa (you may have to scroll down the page a bit to find the text) -